Thursday, April 13, 2006

Writing about the Event

Sorry for the absense of yesterday's post, I was bit busy as I was having a keen watch on succes of my blog "SamIdeas" and thus was unable to get on to some other blogs to read something and post it here. I am back now, with today's read....
For the long time, I have been reading the blog, handled by Bothack, most of the time he keep me aerted with the new events going around India, This time he have track down the event in Chennai called BarCamp, with the long updates and review of what's going on in that event. From the one day before the beginning of the Barcamp to the first and the second day of the event, he have blogging conitnously to update us.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Technology Stupidity

This morning, I thought of having a quick surf through all my previous post at my blog "SamIdeas", so I went and started from the first post of my blog, there in between I found these stupid technology pics....

Some more pictures: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06

Also have a read to some Amazing Facts and some Shocking Facts.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Random reads....

Some random reads of the day...

How to build a game in a week from scratch with no budget: Interesting to read the title, this is a tutorial at written by "Jay Barnson. He will show you to build a game called "old-school" where the player will move through rooms in the stereo typical dungeon, doing battle with various monsters with magic and combat. The tools he use includes Phython 2.3, PythonWin and more....if you want to build a game then read it....and follow the steps.

Create your own feedo and put it on your site,blog: The web site gives you the flexibility to create your own feed style and put it on to your web page for your users and for you.

How to use Bandwidth Wisely: If you are from India and using the broadband connection where you have the limit of the bandwidth then just check this tutorial and you will definately save your bandwidth.

Get familiar with BlinkList: The chronotron celebration of the Web 2.0 week have another article in the, The socal bookmarking site.

Till the time I read more and come back here don't forget to surf at SamIdea.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Web 2.0 Week

My friend, chronotron, is celebrating the Web 2.0 week from 9th April to 16 April, He have already started posting all about the basics of Web 2.0.
He promises to increase our knowledge about Web 2.0 and gurantee’s the
excellent fun. I will be busy reading at his blog, this entire week, I
will update this post over here regularly to reflect the Web 2.0 week

Till the time he posts more, check out this funny posts at SamIdeas.

List of Free Downloads

So now lets have a look at the hardware tutorial around the net..

List free software: Get ready to get exposed to the endless list of free software which can be downloaded for free. Bothack gives the categorized list of free softwares.

Small list of Free Software: The guy seems to be saying that the list is small, but you get the reality when you scroll down, many other users at that forum have also given there own free list, don't forget to check this one. Really Interesting.

Big Guide to free program: The good post have been made at the tutorial section of the forum.It's really a big one.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Getting Techy...

Let us read something about the technology around the Internet.....

Internet tops 80 million websites
: The netcraft's most recent web server survey, tells the amount of hostname on the Internet have doubled within the past three years, to the total of 80,655,992 websites.

Bug In Google Web Search: It's on Sam Ideas. There is a bug in a google web search, with the international more.

MSN Down: The man reports about the MSN server which was down yesterday.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Reading Poems

Some of the poems, that helped me to pass my days.......

Mein Imran Haashmi Banna Chaata Hoon: Meaning "I want to become Imran Haashmi", this poem posted by one of my friend in simla at his blog

in between a poem that you can read here....

Hello: This woman as a huge collection of the poems. Most of them are interesting and will keep.

RHE Poems: Watch out this place for the poems by Richard Epstein, a men from united States

Poetry By Troy: Another good poem blog, but over here I was unable to understand even a single poem. I am weak in english.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Why mesothelioma and asbestos websites are so popular?

As I am using adsens for the first time, here while surfing I came around the article named "Why mesothelioma and asbestos websites are so poular?" written at
They says that the keyword asbestos and mesothelioma are the highest paying keywords for google adsense, these two keywords are name of two disease related to lung cancer. I read it found it dummy as using this two keywords and building entire just for the adsense, I think is against the rule of the Google Adsense, so why the whack create a site on the topic on which we are least interested, it will be boring. Isn't that would be?
Also at, I read the post describing how to live without technology for 4 Weeks.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Blog For Peace

This evening my first surf was headed towards the, the young guy Mohan who is bored of usual way of life and thinks to start with

In my previous visit to the, I was reading all the peace quotes by the kids, and then now when I visited, I found him saying about the event which will happen once in a life time, once you visit his site you will surely wait till midnight and have a eye on the time mentioned by Mohan.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Building A PC

Today on recommendation of my friend Piyush, I visited the and search for the artcile that head towards building a PC around 30K and 20K. This two articles are quite intersting and gives the best out of your budget. They have concentrated more on AMD  Processor and have kept no place for the pentium's. According to my friend the AMD will cross over the market of the Pentium in the short time.

The two articles are....

Building a PC around 20K: To what this link will head you is the 02.06 version of there PC building Category, They specifies the use of AMD Sempron CPU with socket,  RAM of 512 MB and 80GB Hard Disk and lot more...

Building a PC around 30K: Here they have raised there budget by 10K and have gone to build a PC with good capabilities and higher RAM of 1GB, Motherboard in Gigabyte, they have mentioned a lot in detail configuration about the Monitors and Keyboards etc...Go have a look. Both the articles were published long back in February, so I am late to read it.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Nothing much....

The day went reading only little blogs, most the blogs I read were too clusty and I didn't found them too interesting to comment on or continue reading. This evening I.....

Voted for the Poll (Best tool to do the job....): This pool was running on the site and I being bit funny voted to the last option hammer, actually I was thinking to vote at "C" but went on with hammer to make some prank over there. At the website I did read it's article "Free doen't mean free any more...".

The next I commented on Bloggers Using NotePad : The good article saying to use a handy noptepad or any device of that kind which will help you to keep record of your thinking when you are away from comp and want to note down something that come in your mind for putting on the blog. This writer is among one of my favourites. He rocks.
My previous conversation with Chronotron was in the previous post here.

Nothing more for now...Have a nice day.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Widgets and Shocks

The day went with bit of short naps and some work around, get to read only little number of blogs, even when it is Sunday today. This time I ended with reading at.....

Good Posts Collection: The jaortega at his blog have sorted out the list of his posts in march of all them his first post is where I was the long article about programming, but attracked my minds and I went on reading.

The Blog Widget Competition Begins: Lorell on wordpress gives the long list of the typed wdgets annoced till now, and compares it with the short list of Wordpress widgets. I just got introduced with the new types of widgets. Although I won't have access to them at wordpress, but who the hell wants all that widgets when wordpress rocks with only small number of widgets.

Shocking Cellular Memory: The writer here have found the new article talking about the transplants and the remains of memory. Read this article, it ill just shock and will make to be away from transplants.

Till the time now, I had no photos and images on my blog, I am feeling bit boring so from the next time I will try to collect the images of the post I read and put it here. Isn't that Good Idea??

Something Different...

These posts that I went through are different and funny

Ramblings of Undisturbed Mind: The beautiful mouse picture, showing that if you have small rodents around you then please do not let them see. You can have the same picture here on the another blog called lauhing machine.

Stupid Questions
: The whole set of stupid questions, the author have collected his second set of stupid questions. I read them and found too funny.

This time in between my last post and previous post, I have read one more post, but again I forget to note it down, I lost the connversation. It's too bad feeling. Isn't it?

The long articles....

Today's read.....

Technology- Blessing or Curse? : The good article at spiritual scientist blog, he have gave long description about how the technology harms more that wat it benefits, The article was posted long back in November, but as I read it today and found amazing, I showed off it here.

Become GMail Master
: A long article on how to become the master in Gmail, by using various keyboard shortcutsand labels. It also explains how to search and knock out repeative mails in the inbox, but actually this post is lengthy, so you may find hard to read it, and also most of the tips are common.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Funny Posts

This are some of the funny posts that I have read while surfing around....

The Top 10 weirdest keybards: Get a look at the top ten weirdest keyboards, I found them a most weirdest, let's watch what you say. I have just read this.

Google does dating: Author at says about the Google Romance, with talking something about ads, I didn't got it's last line. but it's worth having watch to the blo and it's post. Later here I too found him blogging about the weirdest keyboard as above.

Joke: Kids Say the Darnest Things: I have been regularly surfing via the grand-pa's blog, but never thought of reading it, but when I read it I found a funny joke, this time I have not put a sayl ine over there, but found interesting and wanna thought of sharing with you all.

Computer Crazy Human
: This one post is from my blog SamIdeas. i posted this at the time when I have justed started blogging, but it is funny. Have a look.

Just Camed in...

I have justed camed in this world, previously I was only blogging at, but from now I will blog at both the host. But here all about the blog I read, that's I will keep track of all the blogs I read. and over there I was and will explore my ideas, thoughts and programming, with some fun. Here is my first list of the posts at different blogs that I blog.

Huge List of Free Webspace: Since I used these free host to have my blog online my first blog article link would be too the list of free host by my long time blogging friend at bothack

Tweaking Yahoo! Bookmarks in a browser sidebar
: The have showed a way to manage your favourite websites, Have showed a way to access your yahoo bookmarks from your browsers sidebar. That's Interesting...Read it.

Chrono Tron - 100% » Life Without Mouse >> Tips & Tricks: Oh that man is wonderful, He blogs day and night and posts about 3-4 posts a day. Once he had posted a huge list of shortcuts to access via keyboard when you have no mouse and needs surfing.

That's all for now, have some work and will be back when I have read more blogs....actually I have read number of blogs today, but want time to recollect them.

Welcome to BlogsTracker

Oh! that BlogMad, it had made me really crazy and habituted me to read the blogs, I read number of blogs now and then, so I thought of making a blog where I would publish about the blogs I read, there good posts and some quick ideas to blog. Have a watch to this blog till the first post comes in...

Till that time have a look at my blog  
